

5/20晚間6:30 現場表演唯美神秘的光畫





【展覽預告】2014 / 05 / 19 - 06 / 28 「光─一個小玩意兒」特展

 本次「光 ─ 一個小玩意兒」特展概念以光為主題,它能帶給人們光明,在設計與藝術領域上更是重要的角色。本次特展邀請擁有百年歷史的捷克玻璃工房Brokis燈具、臺灣設計師、當代藝術家創作、木作燈具創作及煤油燈收藏家范姜群清的收藏,更邀請表演藝術家閻俊杰先生展出光繪演出影像紀錄,以期表現多樣的設計與藝術創作內容與形式。

Playing with Light
 Photons, the basic elementary unit of light, make up of particles, gather together to emit light. The light, an indispensable element, exists in our life which can be seen but not touched.
 In the period of the human origin, people rely on only natural light, and later regard fire as lighting tools. In the beginning of the 19th century, scientists found out many bulb materials and elements which could last for a longer time. In 1879, the development of tungsten lamp by American scientist Thomas Alva Edison had brought a great convenience to life. Until now, the diversified design of luminaires are used in living space to create the sense of design and a warm atmosphere, as well as showing the different style of light. Besides, inspiration from light in artistic creation is also a visual feast.
 The concept of the exhibition “Playing with Light” is mainly in light, which brings brightness to the world and takes an important role in design and art. To show a variety of artistic content and form, Art Center exhibits Czech designed lamps from BROKIS, which has a history of more than hundred years, creations from Taiwanese designers and contemporary artists, and wooden creations by Chun-Ching Fan Chiang, who is designer and Kerosene lamp collectors. Furthermore, we also invite artist Junjie Yan to display the record of light painting.

策展人 Curator
陳歷渝 Li-Yu Chen

展覽執行 Exhibition Coordinator
彭莉閔 Li-Min Peng

參展者 Artists (依筆劃排列)
 王治祥 Chih-Hsiang Wang
名谷木作工作室 Mingu Woods

何佳峰 Jia-Fong He
吳孟軒 Meng-Xuan Wu
吳宜紋 I-Wen Wu
吳昱德 Yu-De Wu
林建榮 Chien-Jung Lin
林彥志 Yan-Chih Lin
范姜群清 Chun-Ching Fan Chiang
崔樹緯 Shu-Wei Tsui
黃沛瀅 Pei-Ying Huang
銀濟春 Chi-Chun Yin
盧憲孚 Hsian-Fu Lu
閻俊杰 Junjie Yan

作品提供 Co-organizer(依筆劃排列)
 惟德國際 Wellwood Co., Ltd
雅浩家具 ystore

展覽日期 Duration
 2014 / 05 / 19 – 06 / 28 (Closed on Jun. 2nd)

茶會 Reception
 2014 / 05 / 20 6:30 p.m.

開放時間 Hours
週一至週五 Mon. - Fri. 10:00-18:00
週六 Sat. 13:00-17:00
週日、端午節休館 Closed on Sunday and Dragon Boat Festival

展覽地點 Location
中原大學藝術中心(全人教育村北棟一、二樓 / 沐樂展覽廳)
CYCU Art Center (Muller Exhibition Hall / Holistic Education Village)

閻俊杰光繪演出 Light Painting Live Show
 ◎ 演出者 Artist:閻俊杰 Junjie Yan
 ◎ 時間 Time:2014 / 05 / 20 Tue. 18:30
 ◎ 地點 Location:藝術中心 Art Center

 PikaPika光繪攝影工作坊 PikaPika Light Painting Workshop (05 / 21,下午2:00開放報名)
◎ 講師 Instructor:李尚謙 Shang-Quian Li
 ◎ 場次Time:
 一般場:2014 / 05 / 27 Tue. 18:00-20:00
親子場:2014 / 06 / 14 Sat. 18:00-20:00
 ◎ 地點 Location:藝術中心前藝文廣場 Plazart
 ◎ 注意事項:
1. 本次活動免費,請預先以電話或親至藝術中心報名。
2. 每場活動限額15名,額滿為止,國小五年級以下學員建議家長陪同。
3. 請自行準備筆型手電筒,亦可使用手機之手電筒。

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